PreSonus Blog

New! StudioLive VSL

Walk the Dog by PreSonus@NAMM

Walk the Dog  by  PreSonus@NAMM

Spanish by PreSonus@NAMM

Spanish by PreSonus@NAMM

Recording 48 Tracks with Studio One and the FireStudio

Studio One – Mastering Tutorial

It’s a long one! So grab a snack and get comfortable.
**Watch on Youtube for a larger, higher res version (Double-click the video below)**

StudioLive 16.4.2: Cutting Monitor Feedback

Workflow Workshop Edition 2

A detailed look at automation workflow in Studio One

Workflow Workshop Edition 1

A detailed look at drag and drop workflow in Studio One

Birthday Jam!

We traveled down to New Orleans the other day to celebrate my good friend Jerry Henderson’s birthday and decided to bring along a StudioLive. Check it out!

Using the StudioLive with Branch