PreSonus Blog

An Update From Randal Walker

[The below comes to us from Randal Walker, PreSonus Artist and worldy drummer extraordinaire. He’s charting on Steve Oliver’s new CD “World Citizen!” His correspondance follows.]

Greetings all, just wanted to send a quick update. I recently played drums on smooth jazz artist Steve Oliver’s new CD World Citizen, which just peaked at number 11 on Amazon’s Smooth Jazz charts. On the hit track “Watching the World,” I recorded my parts at my home studio using the StudioLive 16.4.2 into Capture and edited it in PreSonus Studio One.

Back on the road with Craig Chaquico this week, first up is Walnut Creek CA then we fly out to Kona, Hawaii!

[Thanks Randal! Excited to see the track climb! Onward and upward…]

Balentine’s Day

No, YOU try to come up with a better title.

Rick Balentine is a composer in Los Angeles. Rick has most recently been charged with composing for a new Steven Seagal TV Series, “True Justice.”  When he heard that Steven himself would dust off the ol’ Aikido if the show’s tunes weren’t up to snuff, Balentine chose Studio One Professional 2 and got the job done in the time it took Bruce Lee to throw this punch.




Premier Guitar Interviews Phil Antoniades from Nimbit!

Hey! We’ve got a new video on our hands, hot on the presses from Summer NAMM! Rebecca Dirks of Premier Guitar came by with a camera guy and collared Nimbit’s Phil Antoniades, and grilled him about PreSonus’ recent acquisition of Nimbit… and what it means for Studio One users. Turns out it means quite a lot.

Thanks to Rebecca and PG for the hype!

Sonic State Interviews Rick Naqvi on Nimbit!

Our VP of Sales and all-around Alpha Bro-Dog Rick Naqvi took some time out of his incredibly busy schedule to be subjected to the interview stylings of SonicState‘s Nick Batt. Agenda items on the docket included “You guys are on fire,”  “Sometimes Skype is hard,” and, of course, “Nimbit!”  Rick’s the first of three interviews, so jump on in!

The PreSonus StudioLive Saves the Film Crew, too.

[This kind e-mail and stylish video came to us from Anthony.]

Hi Ryan,

Thought you guys might be interested in this video.

We shot this live in the studio, and the band was having some trouble using the in-house headphone mixer for all four artists since they all sing, so the band set up their StudioLive and mixed not only their own headphone sends, but also the film crew’s cans as well! This was all done from their iPads and iPhones.

I sent this particular song because it’s got some of the best shots of the remote running from the drummer’s iPad 😉 They’re really brilliant!


PreSonus and Studio One 2 Star at FLUX Studios

We recently had the chance to hang out for a while at Flux Studios for a little get-together where we could celebrate Studio One Professional 2. Here I was, all ready to write a great blog about it, and SonicScoop totally beat me to the punch. So, here’s a teaser, but then you should go read what they have to say about it.  From the SonicScoop blog:

“A remarkably intuitive and fast-moving DAW, Studio One 2 was at the center of live recording sessions held in FLUX’s inspiring Dangerous live room. Producer Fab Dupont manned the controls and artistJay Stolar laid down live tracks, which would later be the subject of a Q&A on the software.”

More after the jump!

PureMix Studio One Video and Membership Discount Codes!

Our friends at PureMix just published the first of many videos to come using Studio One. What sets these guys apart is that they teach real world production concepts, not just “how to xyz.” If you have yet to visit this site, now is a great time!

While you’re there, create an account and use one of these coupons for an exclusive subscription discount:

1 year 25% off: PSxX7LJ
6-months 20% off: PNz3r7A
3-months 15% off: P3kXJq9
Free video: PslR41g

So, what’s PureMix all about, anyhow?

These days there is no way to learn record making from working professional since there are so few assisting positions left. In the past, an aspiring engineer or producer could watch and learn from someone more advanced for a few years and prepare for flying solo without burning their wings too early. That old mentor/disciple system is pretty much gone, and it’s a shame. is a place to share the knowledge we, as successful professionals, acquired over content is produced in professional studios, professional and multiple awards engineers and teaches in depth: mixing, recording, producing and mastering.

Fab Dupont, the founder of PureMix has mixed or produced tracks for/with/featuring Jennifer Lopez, Freshlyground, Shakira, Les Nubians, Kirk Whalum, Nat King Cole, and a slew of other artists.

The platform is a streaming website that offers lessons purchased by the unit, or all-access subscriptions. Our users can download the audio files from the session that we use in order to try and practice at home. There is also a high-end and private forum for our subscribers where we they can share their thoughts and ask for thorough counseling.


Arne and Friends

So, you have to understand that a guy in my position (a Social Media Manager in the audio electronics realm) sees a LOT of performance videos. Musicos of all walks put their videos in front of me, from bedroom 4-trackers to established producers and all ‘tween.

Once in a while, there’s a real standout, and today’s is Arne & Friends, performing live, where they used nothing but their StudioLive 24.4.2 to mix and record their show… and it sounds tremendous!

Of course, top-class musicianship helps, too. Arne and Friends had this to say about the clip in a polite e-mail I recently received from him.

My name is Arne van der Heijden from The Netherlands.

In April 2010 I was recognized as the #1 keyboard player in NL in the largest Dutch band competition, with a total of 1600 participants.

Some of the best Dutch musicians are in my band called “Arne & Friends.” In October 2010 I have received what is likely the first PreSonus StudioLive 24.4.2 mixer availble in The Netherlands, and since that day I’ve taken it on tour with my band and it works great!

I got rid of my old-skool harddisk recorder and instead of dealing with 24 analog cables from FOH to the recorder, I now make recordings via one single FireWire cable via the StudioLive 24.4.2 and the bundled Capture software.

With the StudioLive 24.4.2, we always have an integrated multitrack recording solution with us. Combined with our camcorders and the Internet we now can show the whole world what we are doing.

Everybody is completely stunned by the capabilities and quality of sound from the preamps of your mixer! I work at 48 KHz to match with our HDV camcorders, and during soundcheck I take enough time beforehand to adjust the input/gain levels to optimum levels—we get satisfying results. We combine the audio from Capture with photo or video and post the end result online.

This month, our band was booked for the 4th year in a row on a jazz festival in a town called Wijk bij Duurstede, it’s in the middle of The Netherlands.

The organization now knows that we always do the show with the PreSonus StudioLive 24.4.2! We use it as FOH and monitor mixer and multitrack recorder.

Due to the personal scene settings that I’ve made for the Studiolive, our soundcheck is done in about 10 minutes. I can control the stage while the FOH engineer concentrates on the main system simultaneously! We even recalled the graphic EQ settings from last year before since we had the same monitors and P.A. this time.

With the help of my iPad, I can quickly make a monitor mix. The band members are now familiar with making their own mix with their iPhone or iPad, and they like doing it! It looks funny when four men with instruments are messing with their iPhones for 1 minute and are then ready for a 3 hour show!

Now, i’ve placed a mix from that gig online, actually it’s a video from me & my band playin’ live! I’ve mentioned your wonderful mixer and company in the credits at the end of the show. Hopefully you enjoy, everybody please feel free to link & share on your own website, forum, social media & newspaper.

Enjoy! and hopefully on a good day we are able to visit your town in the USA!

I’ve also made a photo collage, which I keep up-to-date, about me working with the PreSonus StudioLive 24.4.2 console on several gigs / applications in The Netherlands.

With best regards,
Arne van der Heijden (NL)

PreSonus FaderPort review from SoundsAndGear.Com

Big thanks to SoundsAndGear.Com for their flattering demo/review of the PreSonus FaderPort!

“I give the Faderport 4.5 out of 5 subs, it’s definitely improved my workflow in Studio One or any DAW I use it in as I can use it based on muscle memory so I don’t have to think about it much.”

Read the full review here.

StudioLive 24.4.2 on Tour with Chickenfoot and Ace Baker

I triple-dog-dare you to find a better picture of Ace Baker.

It makes sense to me that a SuperGroup like Chickenfoot would warrant a SuperEngineer like Ace Baker. Ace recently wrapped up a 21-show tour with the Satriani/Haggar/Anthony /̶F̶a̶r̶r̶e̶l̶l̶ / S̶m̶i̶t̶h̶ / Aronoff combo, and the StudioLive 24.4.2 was there every plucky step of the way.
“Chickenfoot used the StudioLive 24.4.42 to record every show of their recent US/Canada tour,” says Ace. “They’re planning to use tracks that were recorded on the recent tour for an upcoming live album.”
Ace Baker is intelligent and handsome, as well as being a longtime PreSonus advocate. Ace will also be a featured speaker at this year’s PreSonuSphere, which will be held at the…
…holy crap, we need to start prepping for that!