PreSonus Blog

Category Archives: NAMM

Harmony Central’s Footage of L’angelus and Keb’ Mo’ from NAMM 2013

Thanks to Harmony Central for this! This footage is from our new product launch party from NAMM 2013.

Sweetwater’s NAMM 2013 Coverage of the StudioLive 32.4.2AI

Our friends at Sweetwater spent some time at our NAMM booth getting details on the StudioLive 32.4.2AI from Rodney, our European Product Marketing Manager and technocrat. Big thanks to both!

Source Distribution TV’s PreSonus Coverage from NAMM 2013

[This just in from Source Distribution! Thanks for the coverage, guys, and Rodney: good work!]

Victor Wooten, Steve Bailey, and David “Fingers” Haynes from the PreSonus Booth at NAMM 2013!

Sam Ash’s NAMM Coverage of the StudioLive 32.4.2AI

Thanks to Sam Ash for this!

PreSonus and P3 Amps at Summer NAMM

While patrolling the aisles at SNAMM in Snashville, I stumbled across P3 Amps and was really impressed. I mean,  nobody else is making amps that look like this. And they sound great too! With so many amp developers looking to the tubular past to come up with “new” amp designs, it’s nice to see a company who’s sense of aesthetics looks to the future.

Thanks for taking the time, guys.  You’re onto something great here.

PreSonus and Pigtronix at Summer NAMM

Hey! Like Effects pedals? Like ’em weird? Check out Pigtronix. We did a little interview with them at The NAMM Show, and what a bunch of cool dudes (and pedals) they were. Watch Ryan get his mind blown.

PreSonus and Electro-Harmonix

Hot off the Final Cut Pro, we’ve got a few more videos from the Summer NAMM show floor! First up is a look at Electro-Harmonix’s latest offerings. Mike from EHX bends your ear, while Ryan contemplates his gear hoarding problem whilst coveting a SuperEgo.

Briana Tyson and Nimbit

[Briana Tyson graced us with a song or two during Summer NAMM…  completely impromptu! It turned out to be an exceptional opportunity to not only showcase Nimbit, but also be blown away by Briana’s performance! Briana’s take on the entire experience follows.]

It was my first time ever at summer NAMM. Walking around, seeing all the different booths filled with guitars, recording equipment, microphones, and everything else a musician could think of was getting me so excited I could hardly stand it. Not long after being amongst the amazingness, I came across a booth that instantly grabbed my attention. Now, I had heard of the company PreSonus before, but never had a chance to check out their equipment, and MAN was I impressed!

After being shown the incredible soundboards they had at their booth, I noticed the stage and the iPhones setup with QMix that they had attached to headphones out in front. I asked Rick Naqvi if they would let me perform and test out their live recording, and he was kind enough to let me do a couple songs!

While I performed, PreSonus demonstrated StudioLive Remote live mixing and I was blown away! The software they produce is so incredible, user friendly, and quick! I was in amazement at how simple it was to get a great live recording mixed and ready to post on your Nimbit account… Which leads to my next point.. The awesome world of Nimbit.

This site was brand new to me, but instantly upon getting the grand web tour, I was hooked. This site is basically everything an artist needs for music and merch sales all rolled into one! It’s so easy to set up an account, and post your songs and merchandising online. I have it linked up directly to my Facebook as well, which is INCREDIBLY convenient. All my fans can access my Nimbit store right on my Facebook page!

One thing with this site that stands out to me and sets it heads above the rest is the different promotional offers this site has built in. As an artist, you want to keep in contact with your fans via e-newsletter, to keep them updated with what’s going on; and as a consumer, it certainly is cool to get free stuff! So Nimbit has an option that allows anyone who signs up with their e-mail to get a free song download! It’s a really cool way to share my music, and to basically give my fans something back for supporting me. It’s fabulous.

All in all, I have had such a wonderful experience since I have been working with PreSonus and Nimbit. Any touring artist absolutely should NOT be without either of these fabulous musical amenities. Both PreSonus and Nimbit have bumped my music career up to the next notch, and have made promoting my music so much easier. So glad to have come across the PreSonus booth at NAMM.

PreSonus, Nimbit, y’all ROCK!

Premier Guitar Interviews Phil Antoniades from Nimbit!

Hey! We’ve got a new video on our hands, hot on the presses from Summer NAMM! Rebecca Dirks of Premier Guitar came by with a camera guy and collared Nimbit’s Phil Antoniades, and grilled him about PreSonus’ recent acquisition of Nimbit… and what it means for Studio One users. Turns out it means quite a lot.

Thanks to Rebecca and PG for the hype!