PreSonus Blog

StudioLive 16.0.2: It’s Not Just for Audio Geeks Anymore!

I like this trend, but I can’t explain it—we’ve got the boys in marketing looking into it. Somehow the StudioLive 16.0.2 has become a hit with the self-proclalimed “geek” community, as this is the 2nd video we’ve found this week that features nerds enthusiastically trumpeting its virtues. Love it!

We got some kind praise from what may strike some as an unlikely source: the bespectacled, thumb-callused ne’er-do-wells over at GeekGamer.TV, who I imagine Rodney Orpheus may be in cahoots with. The StudioLive 16.0.2 was chosen as the Pick of the Week in their recent video! They give a bit of a feature breakdown that very plainly illustrates how intuitive the board is to use for analog loyalists, while taking advantage of the flexible power of digital audio.

I gotta ask: what is a Geek Gamer, exactly? Isn’t that kind of like a Guitar Playing Guitarist?  Or a Vehicular Motorist?